This function takes the name of a well-known NYC place and returns the Geoclient response as a tibble. The place name, and one of either borough or Zip code are required. The place components can be provided either in separate vectors as named arguments or with a dataframe and column names containing each component. The Geoclient API's app ID and key can either be provided directly as arguments, or you can first use geoclient_api_keys() to add them to your .Renviron file so they can be called securely without being stored in your code.

geo_place_data(.data, place, borough = NULL, zip = NULL, id = NULL,
  key = NULL, rate_limit = TRUE)

geo_place(place, borough = NULL, zip = NULL, id = NULL, key = NULL,
  rate_limit = TRUE)



Dataframe containing columns to be used for other arguments.


Either a vector of BBLs (numeric or character is accepted), or a bare column name of the bbl field if a dataframe is provided.


The name of the borough of the place, as either a vector or a bare column name of the borough field if a dataframe is provided. The borough is only required if Zip code is not provided.


The Zip code of the place, as either a vector (numeric or character is accepted) or a bare column name of the borough field if a dataframe is provided. Five- and seven-digit Zip codes are accepted. The Zip code is only required if borough is not provided.


The API app ID provided to you from the NYC Developer Portal formated in quotes. Defaults to NULL and your key is accessed from your .Renviron.


The API app key provided to you from the NYC Developer Portal formated in quotes. Defaults to NULL and your key is accessed from your .Renviron.


Whether you would like to limit the rate of API requests in adherence to Geoclient's Service Usage Guidelines. See ?geoclient for more information.


For more details see the Geoclient Documentation's guide to making place requests, interpreting the Geosupport return codes, the data returned by geo_place, and a complete data dictionary for all possible data elements returned by any geoclient function.


# NOT RUN { geoclient_api_keys("1a2b3c4", "9d8f7b6wh4jfgud67s89jfyw68vj38fh") geoclient_place(place = "empire state building", borough = "mn") library(tibble) library(dplyr) df <- tribble( ~place, ~boro, ~zip, "NYU", NA_character_, "10012", "CITY HALL", "MN", NA_character_, "Pospect Park", "Brooklyn", NA_character_ ) geoclient_place(df, place, boro, zip) df %>% mutate( bbl = geoclient_place(place = place, borough = boro, zip = zip)[["bbl"]] ) # }