This packages uses NYC's Geoclient API but is neither endorsed nor supported by the the City of New York.


To learn more about using this package, visit or browseVignettes(package = "geoclient")

For information about the Geoclient API visit NYC's Developers Portal.

You can acquire your Geoclient app ID and Key by first registering with the NYC's Developer Portal at, then create a new project, selecting "Geoclient v1" from available APIs. For more information on using these credentials with this package see geoclient_api_key()

Geoclient Description

The Geoclient API is a RESTful web service interface to the NYC Department of City Planning’s Geosupport system developed by the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications GIS/Mapping unit. Geosupport is a mainframe-based geocoding system used by NYC government. Geosupport provides coordinate and geographic attributes for supported input locations (address, intersection, blockface). Geoclient exposes the most widely used Geosupport functions through simple and easy to use REST representations.

Geoclient Service Usage Guidelines

The Geoclient API is a free geocoding service offered by the City of New York for use by the general public. Access to the service requires registering for a free account on this website and requesting an access key. Due to rapidly increasing usage of Geoclient, we are seeing a commensurate decline in overall application availability based our current contractual resource allowance from third party platform services. While we work towards increasing this capacity, we are forced to set service usage guidelines.

From this point forward, the following service usage guidelines apply:

  • Maximum of 2,500 requests per minute; * Maximum of 500,000 requests per day.

Note that these are guidelines and not hard limits. However, if we see applications continually exceeding these limits, we will attempt to notify the account administrator based on contact information provided in the sign-up forms. If corrective action is not taken, we will then set whatever limits we deem necessary to provide equal resources averaged by all active accounts. Moving forward, as we increase capacity, we may adjust the usage guidelines.

By default all functions in this package adhere to these guidelines. However, both restrictions can be overridden by setting the arguments rate_limit and cap_daily_requests to FALSE.

Geoclient Documentation

For more details see the Geoclient Documentation's guide to calling the API, interpreting the Geosupport return codes, and a complete data dictionary for all possible data elements returned by any geoclient function.

See also